After the Bankruptcy of the Supporting Male Lead – Chapter 2


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Accidental Injury

Chen Zhan did not know the bloody crime caused by an article. When using the proposed reward money to top up the electricity card, the store owner smiled and said, “I am also happy to see someone pay their fee for the first time.”

Chen Zhan smiled, not talking.

The community planning was not done well. The parked cars almost blocked the road. When Chen Zhan was about to walk to the entrance of the unit along a twisted road, he found that there was no one next to the trash can today.

He looked at his watch. The old man would usually pick up some junk during this time.

The key was inserted into the old keyhole. Chen Zhan hesitated and knocked on the opposite door.

“Who–” There was a full voice in it.

Chen Zhan turned blankly and took out the key again.

At this time the door sounded from behind, and the old man leaned out, slightly surprised when he saw Chen Zhan.

“It’s the wrong door.” Chen Zhan’s next sentence was an explanation.

As the old man’s eyes rolled, he was about to speak, and there was a muffled sound of closing the door.

Staring at the door for a few seconds, the old man reluctantly pulled up the corner of his mouth and walked back to the room.

The same type of apartment, the old man’s room is tidier than Chen Zhan, its cleanliness stems from monotony.

A young man was sitting on the couch, his handsome facial features considerably brightening the room, and his hair was slightly longer than normal.


The old man nodded: “Reclusive all day but should not have a bad mind.”

Because he did not continue to pick up the garbage and also knows to check in on his neighbors.

Next door.

Chen Zhan yawned, thinking about the new day’s work.

Suddenly there was some curiosity in the silence. When he opened the article and looked at the comments below, he caught a glimpse of several different things in all the verbal abuse.

【Mxx: Irritable readers, online reminder. 】1

【Snow Leopard II: Ask for update time. 】

【Mary’s hair: Smash a deep water, update quickly! 】2

…… With a large number of people, it is almost a fantasy to let everyone make the same sound, but this kind of sound is earlier than Chen Zhan expected.

In order not to provoke lawsuits, all the content in Chen Zhan’s article is realistic, and there is no scene of excessive exaggeration or defamation of the characters. Even the name is rarely mentioned, and most of them use pronouns.

He made an estimate in advance. Jiang Ying was in the entertainment industry and had a new drama to be released next year. His move can be said to be sending heat for the other party for free and should not be openly resisted if it is not excessive. .

Chen Zhan’s ups and downs are easily affected by changes in the weather. He prefers to code at dusk. When he is preparing to close his notebook, the sky outside is suddenly dark.

The window was open, and he seemed to have heard the sound of the falling rain.

Sad emotions brewed a little, and Chen Zhan calmly put his hands back on the keyboard and began to code today’s content.

It is still a realistic style and he has spent a lot of time describing him starting to entangle Jiang Ying. At the end of the article, Chen Zhan added another player, which is the scene of his first encounter with Jiang Ying’s future boyfriend:

No matter how I try to talk, Jiang Ying has not even properly looked at me before.
Inadvertently glimpsing the injuries on her finger, I decided to take the ‘warm and gentle’ route and go to buy a band-aid first.
At the convenience store on the south side of the airport, I first saw the enemy of my future life …Lin Chiang.
He is the only son of the Lin family, proficient in English, French, Russian, Slovenian and ten other languages.
He is unpredictable and unfathomable, even a hair is more expensive than ordinary people.
Fate makes us encounter here, an indescribable jealousy is surging in my heart. Why are some people born with a golden spoon? Why can some people only be regarded as upstarts even if they are rich?

At this moment, I saw him pull out a one-hundred-yuan bill, said to the salesperson ‘keep the change’, and walked away in a hurry.
This is a humiliation to me!
He did it on purpose! To prove his generosity!
Otherwise, why didn’t he scan the code to pay?3

Less than half a minute after it was published, there were several comments. Chen Zhan swept at random:

【Mary’s hair: unable to spit the writing style, but inexplicably feel that the author’s last inner thought is good, dammit4

【Ghost Lovers: Agree +1. And the logic is very meticulous. 】

Chen Zhan closed his eyes and rubbed his temples to relieve eye fatigue.

This rain came and went quickly and, if it is wasn’t for the grassy fragrance mixed in with the blowing wind, there is basically no evidence of rain.

After enjoying the breeze for a while, Chen Zhan stood up and moved, starting to worry about dinner.

The article has not yet reached the charging stage and can only rely on reward money to spend the day.5 After paying the utility bill, it is difficult to maintain three meals a day.

The knocking of the door knocked off the thinking. There was an old face behind the door.

Chen Zhan subconsciously said, “I didn’t turn the trash downstairs.”

The old man waved his hand: “I didn’t say you robbed my business.”

He pointed to the wine he was carrying: “It was brought by a child I had funded before. It’s boring to drink alone.”

Chen Zhan frowned: “The human heart is incomprehensible; you should have a little sense of safety.”

The old man thought he was going to refuse, who would expect to hear Chen Zhan in the next moment: “I barely accept this bottle of wine.”

One minute later, Chen Zhan appeared in the old man’s room and sautéed two dishes with barely passable cooking skills.

He likes to deal with people over the age of fifty. Relatively speaking, these people have fewer online visits, and they are not interested in the entertainment industry. They don’t know that he did bad things before.

The degree of the wine is not high, and it is still sweet after entering the throat. Chen Zhan sighed and squinted comfortably.

The old man began to tout how the student he subsidized was prosperous and conscientious: “Knowing that my body is uncomfortable, he came to see me deliberately these two days.”

Chen Zhan glanced at a box of eggs in a common gift box in the corner, and he really didn’t see where he was prosperous. After contacting the old man and hearing that he was unwell, the other party came to see him… he couldn’t help thinking more.

The living environment is different. Chen Zhan first used malicious intent to speculate on a person’s behavior.

Only a few days ago, the news reported that there was a young man who had no learning and no skills. Instead of working hard, he was worried about the legacy of an old man living alone. He pretended to visit him frequently and tricked him into leaving his property to himself.

Chen Zhan filled a glass of wine and frowned.

“The next time he comes to visit, you will call me together if he wants to go somewhere.”

The old man looked at him suspiciously.

Chen Zhan seemed inadvertently said, “I’ll learn from him.”

The old man suddenly stunned and suddenly said: “Yes, with his guidance, there’s no way you can’t get out of here soon, move to the Pearl of the Sea.6

The people living at the Pearl of the Sea were either rich or expensive, and the word sky-high is not enough to describe the housing prices there.

Chen Zhan snorted, not thinking about it.

One afternoon, he spent his time drinking wine and listening to the old man telling stories from the past.

Just half an hour after Chen Zhan published the new chapter, a hot search quickly reached the top three, with the topic #CEOkeepthechange


Lin Chiang went home early today. After being scolded by his girlfriend with ridicule, he didn’t want to work.

Thinking about how Jiang Ying saw the circle of friends he sent, he handed his coat to the helper at home.

The Lin family is a top-tier giant and a very traditional family. Lin Chiang’s grandfather has been stationed in the army when he was young and instilled a strong concept of rigor in his children and grandchildren. Grandfather Lin has been dead for many years, but the influence of the rules he set during his lifetime is still there.

The Lin parents sat quietly waiting for him to dine together.

Lin Chiang keenly felt that the atmosphere was not right today, and just picked up the chopsticks, and then heard a harsh voice: “Why not let others give you change?”

Lin Chiang was confused.

The housekeeper watched him grow up when he was young and couldn’t bear it, hinting at him to watch the news.

Lin Chiang pulled out his phone and didn’t even have to search. The hot spot on the top of the list reminded him what happened.

Lin Mother: “Is the article true?”

Lin Chiang recalled a moment, perhaps it was Jiang Ying related. The memory of long before is still fairly clear, and he nodded slightly: “That day there was an emergency.”

Lin Mother frowned: “Do you know how much trouble this will cause to the salesperson?”

Lin Chiang wondered, “What trouble?”

Lin Mother sneered: “That’s a convenience store, not a hotel. Not everyone is eligible to privately eat the tips. Your behavior will only affect other people’s accountability after work.”

“How old are you and justify your reasoning.”

Lin Father did not hesitate to say, “This child is spoiled, starting tomorrow. Stop his cards.”


A meal is tasteless.

After returning to the room, Lin Chiang carefully read the article, fixed his eyes on the author’s name, pressed his eyebrows, and whispered after a long while.



1. Reminder for CZ to post next chapter^
2. ‘Deep water’ is a reward on websites- it should be worth 100 of the currency($2~$3), I think? So he’s sending him money for the next chapter ASAP^
3. For those of you who may not know, it’s pretty common in China to pay with your cellphone by scanning a code on your wechat/alipay/etc. like apple/android pay but actually used everywhere- even street vendors have it. So, there’s no reason Lin Chiang should have used a full 100-yuan bill even if he didn’t have change since he could have just used his phone to pay XD^
4. So the author actually uses ‘TM’, which is a slang term that just emphasizes what you’re saying. I’ll only translate it to ‘dammit’ this one time to show the feeling it conveys but I’ll use the original ‘TM’ in the future.^
5. Most of these novel sites give the first 15-20 chapters free and all the chapters after that must be purchased. So, all his income comes from the rewards people send him^
6. Wealthy community^

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11 thoughts on “After the Bankruptcy of the Supporting Male Lead – Chapter 2”

    1. If I understand correctly, unlike the service industry, like waiters or cab drivers, you can’t tip a person working in a store where they scan the purchase because the scan shows inventory removal and amount to be paid in, and amount of change to be paid out if the payment isn’t exact. The cashier has to balance amount in and amount out of the till or get into trouble. They can handle it in 2 ways: keep the 100 yuan note and pay for the purchase out of their own pocket, which is shady. Or, make change for the large denomination, which could empty out the till depending how much cash they have ready. Regardless, the cashier would likely have to call a manager to document the extra cash to avoid trouble if there is a surveillance camera, or to bring out more change for the till. Basically him handing out the large bill and running left the store clerk with a headache.

      Liked by 15 people

      1. Oh yes, the headache to tally daily sales record. Only those who have worked the cashier will understand how annoying and nerve-wracking this is…even a dollar shortage or excess will give you headache. Imagine trying to explain an excess of dollars if he bought an item worth 5 dollars. I’d have spit on him very furiously.

        Liked by 9 people

        1. That’s right. I worked as a cashier. And sometimes people pay more, but because it was crowded at that time, i forgot to note it down. At the end of the day, i panicked and thought if there was still a goods i haven’t scan or what, it gave me a headache and make me count the goods and stock for many times. Thankfully my boss was nice, and didn’t mind it.


  1. basically this autobiography is a long ‘my pov’ apology tweet/video but more true to reality
    I just wonder how the other books will be, haha how much memory/feelings can a 20-something person have without being super corny?
    [After returning to the room, Lin Chiang carefully read the article, fixed his eyes on the author’s name, pressed his eyebrows, and whispered after a long while.
    “Fuck.”] – 混账玩意儿 – shameless thing – “(this) crazy bastard”

    Liked by 1 person

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